Monday, July 7, 2008

We are Working...

View of Medellin from the top of the Universidad Santo Tomas where we had
several seminars on the socio-political history and urban planning of Medellin
and how the library parks fit into this structure.

DukeEngage Colombia student Jessica Shuen surrounded by her students in the Parque Biblioteca La Ladera in Medellín. Jessica is one of five DukeEngage students who each proposed a workshop to teach. Jessica is teaching science and Chinese characters

DukeEngage Colombia Director Dr. Tamera Marko (in red) and Comfama Analista Unidad de Cooperación Nacional e Internacional Maria Clara Echavarria Restrepo sign a convenio after a year of bi-national meetings and collaborative planning. This convenio officially honors the community partnership between Comfama, the Colombian entity which directs the cultural programming in the Parques Bibliotecas (Library Parks) where the DukeEngage students are now giving workshops.

DukeEngage Colombia students Gavin Best, Jessica Shuen, and Rachel Mcgowen (in pink) intensely discuss pedagogy strategies for the workshops each one will teach the following week in Spanish to urban communities at the Parques Bibliotecas (Library Parks) located in the Andes mountains throughout Medellín. This “pre-workshop” with the DukeEngage students is directed by DE Colombia directors Dr. Tamera Marko and Jota Samper.

Parque Biblioteca España from the Metro Cable (a gondola that is a part of the public transportation system connected to the metro) that you have to take to get to it. It's located in a really neat, but very poor, barrio, Santo Domingo. The library's services are 100% free (just like at all of the Parques Biblioteca) and to give the people access to information, technology, and resources that they would not otherwise have. This Parque Biblioteca is one of the most striking of all of the 5 Parques Bibliotecas. It is situated very high up on the mountain over looking EVERYTHING. There is such an incredible view. There are 3 huge buildings (effectively 8 stories each) all designed to look like black rocks nested against one another.

A view of Medellín that would leave anyone speechless. This photo was made from the terrace of the Parque Biblioteca de España.

Plaza de las Luces in downtown Medellin.

Friday, July 4, 2008


DukeEngage in Colombia Directors Jota Samper and Dr. Tamera Marko, and compañeras/os. This is taken after the first meeting with the compañeras/os. The Programa Compañera/o, created by the DE in Colombia Directors, pairs Duke students with university students in Medellin to establish relationships, encourage culture interchange, and provide support for learning about the city. This photograph was taken at Carlos E. Restrepo, a residential neighborhood where the DukeEngage students are each living with a Colombian family.

Que es el programa compañera/o

Su objetivo es ser huésped de la ciudad y compañero de aventuras de los
estudiantes universitarios que participan en el programa Duke Engage en la
ciudad de Medellín entre el 10 de junio y 10 de agosto de 2008
Asistir a algunos de los eventos programados como visitas y viajes, facilitar en
la traducción de situaciones culturales.